
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Drupal Configuration related tips

  1. Customize Error Pages of your website.
Drupal gives a default error  when a  user  navigates to a web page that they don’t have permission to view or a page that is not found. This is okay but not useful enough for users. To better manage your 403 and 404 pages you can create your own pages and mention the URLs of those pages here..
http://<website URL>/admin/settings/error-reporting
Further you can also use to show login block on access denied pages. This works well for community websites.              
  1. Speeding up database tables
If you have a large website with lot of database reads, DB maintenancemodule will optimize the administrator-selected tables in the database during regular cron.php executions. For MyISAM tables, OPTIMIZE TABLE repairs a table if it has deleted or split rows, sorts table indexes, and updates table statistics. For BDB and InnoDB, OPTIMIZE rebuilds the table. Note, MySQL locks tables during the time OPTIMIZE TABLE is running. Optionally the user can select to attempt a REPAIR TABLE in the event errors are found during attempted OPTIMIZE TABLE. If you enable this ensure you have proper working backups.
OPTIMIZE works best on tables with large deletions (e.g. cache or watchdog), however MySQL will reuse old record positions, therefore in most setups, OPTIMIZE TABLE is unnecessary unless you just like defragmenting. The Overhead column in phpMyAdmin's database view is the most common way to determine the need of an OPTIMIZE TABLE query. It essentially shows the amount of disk space you would recover by running an optimize/defragmentation query.
Think of OPTIMIZE TABLE like defragmenting your hard drive. Sure your system will run without it, and it might even be fast, but isn't it nice to run a defrag when you can?
  1. If you have not done the overall optimization and want to learn how you can speed up and optimize your drupal website read all about it here. This article has simple things like configuration changes to using some modules. How to Speed up and Optimize Drupal 7
  1. WYSIWYG Editor is there a better option ?
You should add a WYSIWYG editor to your drupal website. Contributed module a WYSIWYG editor has all the functionality and integrations with popular editors.  You will have to use IMCE along with WYSIWYG editor for image support.
If you are looking for a fastest and light weight WYSIWYG Editor for Drupal,  Then Whizzwyg is the answer. Fastest and smallest WYSIWYG Editor but features rich.
In old days there was no proper module to have WYSIWYG editor on your drupal webite. There were many options available , in case you don’t want to use WYSIWYG editor

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