
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Drupal Content Related tips and Tricks

  1. Showing similar or related content in the block to improve stickiness
It’s a common feature in CMS to show a block of related content items or similar content. This interests the user as he can read similar entries on your website and stay longer on the website. It will also increase the chances of your website being bookmarked.
There are many modules available , you can see a Comparison of Similar / Relevant content block modules, But I would recommend you use this simple option of showing relevant content block using views module you can find the article here.
Using Views 2 and Drupal 6 to Create a Related Pages Block make sure you read the comments on the page as the solution itself is slightly old.
For drupal 6 sites there is another module available which can do similar function which is Taxonomy Quick Find . It has more configurations like you can configure each block to only show individual node types (eg, one block for page and a completely separate block for blogs) and Each node type on each block can also have its own limit
  1. Slide show of your content
Generally the homepage of a website would have slide show of the latest items or important nodes / images you want to highlight. This can be achieved in many ways. Usually people may think jquery plugins but the best way to do this in Drupal is to go for views slideshow module.
You could rotate entire nodes, categories, image galleries, etc Its also a great space saver. Places where you had multiple images or multiple items such as RSS feeds or category listings can now be presented in a slideshow >>> Views Slideshow
Views Slideshow has many features and has lot of supporting modules too. Read the module page properly. It even has links to external articles which are very good.
  1. How to use images in drupal
A common confusion is how to add the image support to drupal. There are so many modules and snippets,which one would be the best ? What do most people use ?As a newbie you may have these FAQs in mind.One another thing I wonder is should I host my images remotely on Flickr , Picassa or should I keep it local.Check out this article which will help you.Drupal Image support for Nodes. If you are planning to use Flickr then you can check out Drupal and Flickr Integration

  1. Don’t need the body field ? .
As you know each content type be it story , page or new CCK content type has a body field , If you don’t want it , you will have to create a new CCK content type, then Goto administer › Content management > Content types and Edit the type you want, erase the label 'Body'. Using a blank label will remove the field.

  1. Converting  nodes from  one type to another.
Often we create content types and then we realize that its difficult to manage so many content types and wish we had created fewer types. Or simply you want to convert from one node type to another.  Node Convert  adds a menu tab "Convert" on the node view page, i.e. node/1/convert, which gives the ability of converting the node from its current node type to another node type. Also it gives the ability of transfering all the custom CCK field values of the current node type to the destination CCK fields, or discard them
  1. Using Drupal forums - The forum module of drupal is very basic and when compared
    to other forums softwares like vbulletin or simple machines it lacks features & functionality . Question is why would you use drupal forums.? I would say
    that if you want a basic mechanism for discussion and don't anticipate a huge
    group of users, then you can go with inbuild forum module as it fast and easy
    to maintain. If you install a third party module like vbDrupal or Simple
    machines integration then may have to wait for upgrades if you are not a
    developer.  Also you are at the mercy of the free support offered by the community if you have any issues with the modules.  Read this postDrupal Forums – Enhance, Integrate and get Inspirations.

  1. Site Search - I personally don’t like Google site search. Drupal search results is much better. You can use Porter stemmer module to improve your search effectiveness. This module implements the Porter stemming algorithm to improve English-language searching with the Drupal built-in Search module. The process of stemming reduces each word in the search index to its basic root or stem (e.g. 'blogging' to 'blog') so that variations on a word ('blogs', 'blogger', 'blogging', 'blog') are considered equivalent when searching. This generally results in more relevant search results.  You can also use  views + views_fastsearch to build "section search" or custom advanced search pages for your drupal website.

  1. Large files (audio) - If you are using audio module in drupal there is a limit to size of audio files which can be uploaded. After much research I have found that the following can be used to increase the filesize limit of audio files.  and also to bulk upload your audio's

Drupal Troubleshooting related tips and tricks

  1. White screen of death ( Completely blank page)
Occasionally a site user or developer will navigate to a page and suddenly the page content disappears, and is completely blank. No content. No errors. Nothing. This often, but not always, happens after updating a module, theme, or Drupal core. This is what is referred to by most members of the Drupal community as the White Screen of Death or WSOD. There are several reasons why this might occur, and therefore several possible solutions to the issue.  Check this page for more info
  1. Not sure what to do use “Flush Cache Function”
Drupal has a caches for all your content so whenever a page is requested, it doesn’t have to generate it dynamically all of the time (quering the database), it can pull it up from cache. This speeds up the website as it reduces the amount of PHP processes and SQL queries being made.
Whenever you see that your site acts strangely or your changes to themes are not reflecting, you must Flush Cache. Flushing your cache clears out your Drupal cache and allows the site to rebuild itself with up-to-date information. Click on the left most icon on your Administration menu to invoke Flush Cache related functions.

Drupal SEO and Traffic Related tips and Tricks

  1. Once you have your drupal website up and running, you need to do someSearch engine optimization. Even if you have already done SEO, this article will give you some new insights and pointers and help you increase your website traffic and SERPS. Drupal is very strong in SEO that is why I am still hooked on to it.  Top Drupal SEO Modules, Tips and Tricks to increase traffic
  2. Social bookmarking and sharing helps bring traffic to your site and increases SERPs.  I have myself struggled with many different modules, kept changing and finally learnt few good ones which does the trick. Check this page to decide what you should be using >> Best Drupal Sharing and Social bookmarking module reviews
  3. Twitter integration can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. The reason is twitter has lots of features and you may want to seamlessly integrate with twitter. Depending upon your needs you will either pick up a module or you will write a small HTML or PHP snippet. Check this page for Drupal and Twitter integration ( Posting , Tweeting, Pulling )
  4. URL Alias and Auto Aliasing is achieved using  PathAuto , But what about the old aliases you have created? It will show up as duplicate content on your website and Search engines will hate that.  Use Redirecttogether with PathAuto Module and you will get a good SEO Friendly site J.
When using PathAuto module it is very important that the uniqueness of the URLs is maintained, else it will be seen as duplicate content by search engines. You can add date to avoid this problem.

Drupal Moderation and Administration related tips and tricks

  1. Controlling spams, Cleaning up , Purges etc.
Drupal is best used for community websites. But if you keep community website open for users to post content or comments, you will only end up seeing loads of spam. Spam is dangerous if not cleaned since if you use Adsense account,  your account may be disabled, since spam post may violate adsense guidelines.   First you must know how to control spam, read this post  Stopping spam in Drupal – Users, Posts, Comments, Next you must know how to manage after the fact, meaning after your website has been spammed, for that check this post    5 drupal modules to Purge users, Clean-up Spammers and Spam posts

  1. Flagging content - To further control Spam and take help from your forum or website members use Flag Abuse module.  provides default abuse flags for nodes, comments and users and gives an administrative interface for reviewing and resetting said flags

  1. Regular Drupal housekeeping
Keeping the website free from junk and removing old and unwanted  posts is also very important.  We often get stuck because there is not bulk method to do this effectively. Even if you want to purge users or comments, we have to struggle finding the right modules to do that. Check this post for solution Deleting / Purging Cache, Users, Nodes, Comments (Housekeeping)

  1. For plain simple mass deletions, without much options, check out this page

  1. Backing up your website - If you are a new to drupal then you MUST take backups before making any major changes or installing major modules so that you can restore the original in case things screw up. During my early years, I myself have wasted several precious hours since I did not take the backup and had to  work several hours to restore the site. Use  Backup & Migrate module that helps making this task

  1. Installing Themes and modules in the right directories
This causes issues later on, when you have to upgrade the drupal to next version . Follow the directory structure recommended, that way it will be easy to debug.
/<Your drupal-root >

  /modules      <-- core modules here
      /modules  <-- contributed modules here

Drupal Configuration related tips

  1. Customize Error Pages of your website.
Drupal gives a default error  when a  user  navigates to a web page that they don’t have permission to view or a page that is not found. This is okay but not useful enough for users. To better manage your 403 and 404 pages you can create your own pages and mention the URLs of those pages here..
http://<website URL>/admin/settings/error-reporting
Further you can also use to show login block on access denied pages. This works well for community websites.              
  1. Speeding up database tables
If you have a large website with lot of database reads, DB maintenancemodule will optimize the administrator-selected tables in the database during regular cron.php executions. For MyISAM tables, OPTIMIZE TABLE repairs a table if it has deleted or split rows, sorts table indexes, and updates table statistics. For BDB and InnoDB, OPTIMIZE rebuilds the table. Note, MySQL locks tables during the time OPTIMIZE TABLE is running. Optionally the user can select to attempt a REPAIR TABLE in the event errors are found during attempted OPTIMIZE TABLE. If you enable this ensure you have proper working backups.
OPTIMIZE works best on tables with large deletions (e.g. cache or watchdog), however MySQL will reuse old record positions, therefore in most setups, OPTIMIZE TABLE is unnecessary unless you just like defragmenting. The Overhead column in phpMyAdmin's database view is the most common way to determine the need of an OPTIMIZE TABLE query. It essentially shows the amount of disk space you would recover by running an optimize/defragmentation query.
Think of OPTIMIZE TABLE like defragmenting your hard drive. Sure your system will run without it, and it might even be fast, but isn't it nice to run a defrag when you can?
  1. If you have not done the overall optimization and want to learn how you can speed up and optimize your drupal website read all about it here. This article has simple things like configuration changes to using some modules. How to Speed up and Optimize Drupal 7
  1. WYSIWYG Editor is there a better option ?
You should add a WYSIWYG editor to your drupal website. Contributed module a WYSIWYG editor has all the functionality and integrations with popular editors.  You will have to use IMCE along with WYSIWYG editor for image support.
If you are looking for a fastest and light weight WYSIWYG Editor for Drupal,  Then Whizzwyg is the answer. Fastest and smallest WYSIWYG Editor but features rich.
In old days there was no proper module to have WYSIWYG editor on your drupal webite. There were many options available , in case you don’t want to use WYSIWYG editor

10 Tips for E-commerce on Drupal

I wrote this article for a general web development blog, but it ended up not being published. It constitutes a simple checklist of tips and reminders for people building e-commerce websites on Drupal that I hope can still be useful published here.
  • Know your tools.

Drupal is notorious for its abundance of modules written to address thousands of minor and major features. E-commerce on Drupal is no exception, and the tool you use depends on your business needs and timeline. Sites launching in the near future will be using Drupal 6 and have two e-commerce systems to choose from:

Ubercart - This is a full fledged e-commerce system designed to "just work" out of the box. It offers the standard shopping cart features, integration with several payment and shipping quote services, and the ability to automate your order workflow without writing any code. Additional features can be added by dozens of related contributed modules, and with over 18,000 live sites and hundreds of users and contributors, you're bound to find support for the functionality you need.

e-Commerce - The most recent version is a trimmed down e-commerce API that defines the components you'll use to build the e-commerce functionality you need. The pool of contributors and users is relatively small compared to Ubercart, so you should feel comfortable doing some heavy lifting on your own and possible Drupal module development if you go this route.

For future sites targeting the upcoming Drupal 7, users should keep an eye on the Drupal Commerce project. Spearheaded by the former project lead of Ubercart, the project is joining the attention to detail of the e-Commerce API and the attention to usability of Ubercart with the latest and greatest features of Drupal 7. Drupal Commerce got some stage time at DrupalCon San Francisco and the CMS Expo and has attracted the attention of some of the top contributors to Drupal 7 with expertise in core API development, usability, and security.

  • Don't hack your modules.

    Developers coming to Drupal from other e-commerce systems will be tempted to change a few lines of code here and there to quickly address any string changes, problems, or business needs. This often results in the edited modules not being updated as bugs are fixed and the module maintainers create new releases. This becomes a serious problem when security fixes aren't applied to live sites handling customer contact and payment information.

    There are several books on Drupal module development and security you can consult to find out the established best practices for adding and adjusting features on your Drupal site. With your customers' information on the line, you should take the time to learn how to manage and add to your site in such a way that you're always able to run the latest, most secure code.

Recommended reading:
  • Secure checkout and login pages with the Secure Pages module.

Maintained by the man behind the e-Commerce module, Secure Pages is a simple module that lets you protect any or all paths on your website using some simple pattern matching. Once you have an SSL certificate installed, you can browse to the module's administration form to configure which pages ought to be secured on your site. Depending on which module you're using to add e-commerce functionality to your site, you will need to secure different paths. Consult the pertinent module's documentation and issue tracker for more information if you aren't sure what to secure.

  • Mind your WYSIWYGs.

There are many ways to add WYSIWYG functionality to a Drupal site, and almost all of them have the propensity to interfere with textareas on settings forms that aren't meant to contain HTML. If you must use a WYSIWYG editor on your site, be sure to disable it on the settings forms that govern your store's contact and payment settings.

    In fact, the best thing you can do is alter your editor's settings so the editor is turned off by default and then selectively enable it on the forms you know you want WYSIWYG support. This process is going to vary by module, so there's no one size fits all approach.

  • Show your products off in style with a customized theme.

Drupal themes are not generally designed with marketing and product sales in mind. In true democratic fashion, those important Add to Cart buttons and Checkout forms won't receive any more attention than a Login button or a Contact form. However, Drupal's theme layer is incredibly good at letting you create custom templates and CSS to target specific pieces of your Drupal site. Spend some time learning to customize your theme to draw more attention to those buttons that turn into dollars when clicked.

    Those who lack the designer's eye can take heart. Several Drupal theme shops create themes specifically targeting e-commerce on Drupal using Ubercart. Top Notch Themes has also contributed a free theme targeting Ubercart sites called Acquia Prosper and distributes a free e-book with tips for configuring themes and contributed modules to enhance your store and increase conversions.

  • Minimize "noise" on the checkout pages.

    When your customers end up on the checkout form, you're either sending them clear signals on how to complete the sale or distracting them unnecessary noise on the page. Drupal makes it easy to trim down that noise so your customers can focus on giving you money. Drupal's core block system lets you easily hide all the blocks and widgets in the non-content regions of your site using the same URL pattern matching system as the Secure Pages module. Hide as many blocks as possible on the shopping cart and checkout pages so your customers can't help but fill in their shipping and payment information and click those checkout buttons you've just styled.

  • Use Views to build custom product catalog and upsell pages.

Views is the mother of all contributed modules for Drupal. It lets you filter through all the content on your website and display it to the user in tables, lists, and grids. Ubercart and e-Commerce both provide Views integration for products so you can easily create custom product catalogs, popular product displays, and related product blocks. Using Drupal's core taxonomy system, you can associate products with one another and add Views to the shopping cart page to upsell similar products to your customers as they shop.

    In the land of Drupal, Views is a source of raw power that you should tap into to pump up your product presentation.

  • Keep your customers in the loop.

As you add new products and features to your website, you can keep your customers in the loop by taking advantage of custom RSS feeds and newsletters. Drupal provides basic feeds for items posted to your site's front page, blogs, and categories, and you can create any number of additional custom feeds using the Views module. Promote your feeds to your customers so they can be the first to hear about your latest promotions and newest products.

    Several contributed modules also add newsletter functionality to your sites. You can use theSimplenews module to run a newsletter straight from your Drupal site offering simple subscription management features for your customers and administrators. Alternatively, you can use modules like MailChimp to integrate your Drupal site with external services offering advanced newsletter features.

  • Engage your customers with product reviews and ratings.

When someone places an order on your site, keep them engaged by offering them the chance to review and rate the products they've purchased. This data will help future customers make informed purchases and will help you target your marketing and promotions based on hot items.

Enabling product reviews is as easy as turning on Drupal's core comment system for your product pages. Adding ratings to these comments is a simple matter of installing and configuring the Fivestar module. The comments and ratings your customers enter will then be exposed to Views so you can select and sort products for display based on recent reviews and average ratings.

  • Help your customers spread the word!

On the social web, your satisfied customers will be the best promoters of your products and services. Help them tell their friends just how great you are by taking advantage of the many Social network integration and recommendation tools. Contributed modules exist offering simple integration with Facebook Connect and Twitter, and others like Gigya Socialize and ShareThiswill integrate your site with multiple services at once. You can also enable your customers to directly recommend your products to their friends via e-mail with the Forward module.

Tips for posting to the Drupal forums

Please do NOT post test pages. is a production site and you will not be able to delete content once you post it.
Note, that some questions can only be answered when built on an understanding of other core concepts. If you are missing core concepts or looking for a simple answer to a hard question, no amount of short forum posts will provide a good answer.
However, the following best practice tips can make participating in the forums a more pleasurable and productive experience for everyone:
  1. Please see the documentation before posting. #

    If it's obvious your question could easily be answered by browsing or quickly searching the handbook, it will likely be ignored. Likewise, if people provide a link to the information, please read it. If you have further questions after reading, then try and refine your post further.
  2. Do your homework. #

    Be sure to at least try to solve your problem before posting to the forums. Why would anyone take the time to help you if you're unwilling to help yourself?
  3. Don't expect anyone to take more time to answer the question than you did to ask it. #

    Simply stated, if you state a problem in one sentence but the answer would take 2 pages to explain, your post may be ignored, or if you are lucky, merely given a link to the handbook. This is particularly true for questions of the "Hi, I'm brand new to web design how do I make with drupal?" variety.
  4. Always use context-sensitive forum post titles. #

    Good titles are just as important in forum posting as they are in email. Many newbies believe that the easiest way to get support is to scream "HELP!!!" in all caps in a subject line. However, the Drupal forums and issues are very active. Many Drupal members check the tracker page and scan the titles. They prioritize how they may use their limited time by offering support where they feel they can provide direct assistance. So a post like "Getting error X in installation" or "Help with thinking through corporate Internet site design" is more likely to attract someone who can assist with your problem.
  5. Be specific. #

    Large open ended questions like "how to i use the x module" or "how do i make a community site" are far too generic and time consuming to answer in a forum thread effectively. They will likely simply be ignored or replied to with a request for more details. Why not save yourself, and the community, this wasted effort and ask clear answerable questions in the first place? Instead of "how do i do i use the x module", ask something like "i'm trying to use the x module, i've read the available docs, checked the issue queue, i've already done a, b, and c but I still can't figure out how to do y.".
  6. Provide relevant details. #

    Often, before someone may be able to assist you, they will need to know the Drupal version number, the hosting environment, the specific error generated, and other relevant information. Incomplete support requests just end up requiring a volley of question and answer, lengthening the time it takes to resolve an issue-- if you receive a reply at all. No one should have to become Sherlock Holmes to figure out what you're asking for. You can find a status report in the administration screen, ready to be pasted into a forum topic. Of course you should still provide enough context for the information to be useful.
  7. Describe what you've done so far. #

    Not only will this avoid wasting everyone's time by suggesting things you've tried, it willdemonstrate a willingness and capability to help yourself, and possibly give an indication of your experience level so the answers can be worded appropriately without blinding you with jargon.

    How to ask questions the smart way
  8. Don't repost and/or crosspost the same question. #

    Repeatedly reposting the same question will not benefit you in any way. Besides irritating the community, it will only fragment the support you receive, waste precious volunteer resources answering the same question multiple times, and make it more difficult for other users to find the correct information in the future. If you wish to have a post moved, create an issue in the webmaster's issue queue.
  9. Please don't bump a topic more than once in a day. #

    If you don't receive a response it is acceptable to 'bump' your own post, preferably with additional information, in order to keep it on the active list. However, no more than once in 24 hours and do not get petulant or sarcastic and complain about the community if your problem isn't responded to immediately. Everyone here is avolunteer-- that's a sure fire turn-off and you'll be alienating the very people you're asking to help you.
  10. Ignore flames and rude tones. #

    Drupal is a large international community. Since many members are not native English speakers, realize that a brusque tone may be a result of language differences and should not be immediately interpreted as rude. Regardless, if you feel like another user has flamed you, the best response is to ignore the offense and continue working toward discussing productive solutions.
  11. You get more bees with honey than with vinegar. #

    While it is very easy to become frustrated when grappling with a problem, remember that Drupal community members donate their time in offering support. People are more likely to respond to posts which ask nicely for assistance over those that demand it or complain. Politeness can make a difference.
  12. Don't use excessive punctuation and/or capitals. #

    Most experienced forum users find excessive punctuation and capitals irritating and doing so will likely have exactly the opposite effect of what you're trying to do.
  13. Enable your contact tab. #

    So that people may offer assistance privately by email, be sure to edit your user account and check the Personal contact form box. This feature does not share your email address, but rather forwards the message to you via
  14. If you solve your problem, please follow-up, explain, and prepend '[Solved]' to the subject. #

    Many times people open a question, get several suggestions on troubleshooting, then either disappear or follow up with "It's OK, the problem is solved now!" Please at least be polite enough to let the board know which of the solutions fixed it for you, or if it was something else altogether, or even if it was just a "Doh!" mistake. This is to help others that may encounter the same problem you did. If it exists, provide a link to the documentation or discussion that helped you, so others can find it when searching. It's common that the same problem can be described in many ways, and your search phrases or issue title may be different from the ones that the writer was thinking of when they wrote the guides. You can add a cross-reference from your post to a better one ... if you have found it.
    This also prevents your problem post from being a frustrating dead-end for later seekers, and your problem becomes part of the solution!
  15. A really helpful addition to improving the docs would be a great addition to your question. #

    For example: "I was looking at pages X,Y,Z in the handbook, but couldn't see/understand the answer I expected to find there".
    This would enable the support folk to copy a summary of their forum answers to the FAQ or handbook pages where they will be the most use!
    Terminology and mind-maps differ between the reader and writer, so if you can let us know where you expect to find the answer ... we can copy/link it to there for next time.
    Of course, this does assume you did some of your own research first ;-)
  16. With volunteer support, not everyone gets a response. #

    And finally, if your post has gone unanswered, perhaps no one that has read your post has the solution to your problem. Whining or complaining about it will more than likely not get you an answer and may harm your chances of getting assistance in the future. You might also consider whether the title for the post is specific enough. And if you feel like support response could be better on, please donate some of your time, too, to answering support questions. In a volunteer effort, the only way to improve support is for everyone to participate.

Performance tuning tips for Drupal 7 testing.

Opcode Caches

Make sure you are running an opcode cache since loading & parsing all the files take a while.
Non-professional, quick benchmarking by deekayen found varying speed improvements, best to worst as follows:
  1. APC
  2. xcache
  3. eAccelerator
Note: even with extensive testing and trials with varying configurations, ALL the opcode cache options have a history of sporadic, varying, infrequent, and unreproducible failures of all kinds. For this reason, PIFR clients are not recommended to run opcode caching for live, production testing.

Installing APC on Debian/Ubuntu

# sudo apt-get install php5-dev pear
# sudo pecl config-set preferred_state beta
# sudo pecl install APC
# sudo echo "
apc.stat_ctime=1" > /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

apc.stat_ctime normally off by default, but when turned on "verification with ctime will avoid problems caused by programs such as svn..." Since PIFR is constantly doing CVS checkouts, it falls under the category of "programs such as svn". Reference and added documentation for additional APC variables:

Installing xcache on Debian/Ubuntu

# sudo apt-get install php5-xcache
# echo "zend_extension = /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/
xcache.shm_scheme = "mmap"
xcache.size = 32M
xcache.count = 1
xcache.slots = 8K
xcache.ttl = 7200
xcache.gc_interval = 7200
xcache.test = Off
xcache.mmap_path = "/dev/zero"
xcache.cacher = On
xcache.stat = On
xcache.optimizer = On
xcache.coverager = Off" > /etc/php5/conf.d/xcache.ini
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

xcache.stat is on by default, but this configuration reinforces that setting. The testing process is constantly updating and changing files, so xcache needs to make sure when a file gets patched or CVS updated, that it refreshes the version cached in memory. It only knows to do that by looking at the last modification time through the statistics (stat) on the file's last changes. Some demo configurations around the internet will show that disabling xcache.stat will make xcache run faster because it doesn't check the last modification of each file. Ignore that recommendation for testing.

Installing eAccelerator on Debian/Ubuntu

# cd /opt
# wget
# tar -xvjf eaccelerator-
# cd eaccelerator-
# phpize
# ./configure --with-eaccelerator-shared-memory --with-eaccelerator-sessions
# sudo make
# sudo make install
# echo "extension =
eaccelerator.shm_size = 32
eaccelerator.cache_dir = /var/cache/eaccelerator
eaccelerator.enable = 1
eaccelerator.optimizer = 1
eaccelerator.check_mtime = 1
eaccelerator.debug = 0
eaccelerator.filter = ""
eaccelerator.shm_max = 0
eaccelerator.shm_ttl = 0
eaccelerator.shm_prune_period = 0
eaccelerator.shm_only = 1
eaccelerator.compress = 1
eaccelerator.compress_level = 9" > /etc/php5/conf.d/eaccelerator.ini
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

eaccelerator.check_mtime is on by default, but this configuration reinforces that setting. The testing process is constantly updating and changing files, so eAccelerator needs to make sure when a file gets patched or CVS updated, that it refreshes the version cached in memory. It only knows to do that by looking at the last modification time through check_mtime. Some demo configurations around the internet will show that disabling eaccelerator.check_mtime will make eAccelerator run faster because it doesn't check the last modification of each file. Ignore that recommendation for testing.

MySQL tuning

The basic MySQL install on a lot of servers is completely inadequate. Debian for one installs a very configuration file based on the mysql-tiny configuration. Read this for details:
These are some things you can do to start tuning your MySQL:
  • phpMyAdmin provides a listing with all the configuration and logging variables with some explanation and how your servers is doing. Go through the list and see which are green (good) and which are red (bad) and read how you can influence result. This should give you a basic understanding of the configuration options.
  • At there's a nifty script that analyses your configuration and recommends configuration changes. I've found it to be pretty helpful at that. You'll need Perl to run it.
  • Make sure you are logging your slow queries and queries without indices and monitor your logs.

Run MySQL in memory

DamZ wrote a modified mysql init.d script for /etc/init.d/mysql on Debian 5 that runs MySQL databases entirely out of tmpfs. It's at, attached to
It allowed the dual quad core machine donated to move from a 50 minute test and huge disk I/O with InnoDB to somewhere under 3 minutes per test. It's live as #32 on PIFR v1 for testing.d.o right now. It is certainly the only way to go.
I have not and won't be trying it on InnoDB anytime soon if anyone wants to omit the step on skip-innodb below and try it on tmpfs.
Brief instructions:
uncomment skip-innodb in /etc/mysql/my.cnf
apt-get install rsync
Backed up /etc/init.d/mysql somewhere.
Drop the script in place.
mkdir /var/lib/.mysql
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/.mysql
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
cd /var/lib/.mysql (to confirm files got copied there)
cd /var/lib/mysql
rm -r *
cd /var/lib
/etc/init.d/mysql start
cd /var/lib/mysql (to verify files moved back in)
df -h (to verify tmpfs is mounted at /var/lib/mysql)

InnoDB tuning

You might be able to optimize INNO for testing operations by creating /etc/mysql/conf.d/innodb.cnf with the following settings:

innodb_log_file_size = 16M
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql
innodb_data_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
innodb_log_files_in_group = 2
innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
innodb_log_buffer_size = 1M
innodb_thread_concurrency = 4
# If you have more than 512MB ram, you can increase the innodb_buffer_pool_size
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 10M
innodb_file_per_table = 1
# If you have raid5 or raid10 with more disks, you can increase innodb_file_io_threads
innodb_file_io_threads = 1
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 70
# If you run an OurDelta MySQL server, you can enable adaptive checkpointing.
# innodb_adaptive_checkpoint = 1
And also /etc/mysql/conf/tune.cnf with the following settings:

default-storage-engine = InnoDB
read_buffer_size = 512K
read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
query_cache_limit = 128K
query_cache_size = 16M
sort_buffer_size = 16M
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 4M
tmp_table_size = 32M
max_heap_table_size = 32M
key_buffer = 64M
max_allowed_packet = 16M
thread_stack = 256K
thread_cache_size = 8
max-connections = 32
table-cache = 256
thread-concurrency = 2
Because you're changing the size of the innodb transaction logs, you need to make sure these logs are flushed when you next shut MySQL down. Connect to mysql as root and run:

mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;
You can now shut down mysql via /etc/init.d/mysql stop and move the existing trasnaction log files out of the way. (Do not delete them yet!)

mv /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile* /root
Now start the mysql server again via /etc/init.d/mysql start and check that it is happy via tail /var/log/syslog. You should now have ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1 files in /var/lib/mysql that are both 16MB in size.
If not and MySQL refuses to start, move the /root/ib_logfile* files back to where they came from and change innodb_log_file_size to 5M in innodb.cnf. You can then start mysql and re-try this procedure from the beginning.
Edit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and set mysql.allow_pesistent = Off as MySQL is keeping threads ready for clients and is more efficient at doing this than PHP.
Finally, convert the drupal tables to InnoDB format.

mysql_convert_table_format --user=root --password=secretpass --type=InnoDB drupal

Apache tuning

Disable or comment access.log settings. On Debian/Ubuntu, it is
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default, or scripted at the command line

perl -pi -e 's/(\s+CustomLog \/var\/log\/apache2\/access\.log combined)$/#\1/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

Running the tests with concurrency

Add the following paramater to where it runs php (line 370-380):

--concurrency [number of cores of the server + 1]